Art City Music Academy
Registration and materials fees must be paid and a studio policy signed and completed before students may participate in Academy classes.
Please make us aware of any address and/or phone number changes as soon as they become effective.
Parents of younger students are sometimes surprised by increased tuition costs as their children advance into new classes. These increases are due to longer class durations and happen most frequently as Toddler Tunes
graduates move into the Music Makers course.
Tuition is due the first day of each month. There will be a late fee of $5 or 10% of the statement total (whichever is greater) for tuition not received by the tenth of the month. We encourage an automatic checking or savings account withdrawal for tuition payments. We are also able to set up automatically recurring credit card charges. You may pay by check, but your credit card will be charged if we haven’t received your payment by the 10th of the month. There is a $10 Administrative Fee for families without a Billing Preference Form on file. Statements are delivered by E-Mail about a week before tuition is due. If we do not have your email address, we will mail your statement via standard mail, but only when the balance due is different than the regular, recurring tuition total. There is a $2 charge for mailed statements. Families without a Billing Preference Form on file will receive a statement every month. There will be a $20 service fee for returned checks. If your payment is made in cash, please obtain a receipt before you leave. You will be required to pay all collections costs and reasonable attorney’s fees should collection become necessary.
The semester includes 20 class sessions including a final recital or program, when offered. If paying monthly, you will be billed in five equal monthly installments of four classes each, but billing is typically behind actual class sessions. Class frequently begins before the first billing month and there are 5th lessons that take place in certain months throughout the semester. Because of these accrued lessons, full payment is due at the end, even when the entire month is not required to finish the class. Appropriate adjustments will be made when starting late or stopping early.
The Art City Music Academy is authorized to take photos and/or video of myself and my child to use in marketing and promotional materials such as advertisements, brochures, websites, posters, etc. and to copyright such material in its name.
Although we make every reasonable effort to keep our students and their families safe, we must, unfortunately, protect ourselves from frivolous lawsuits. As such, you agree to release the Art City Music Academy and its landlords from any and all liability related to illness or injury, including that due to negligence.
Regularly attending your own class provides your child with consistency, familiarity and adds to the synergy of the class. We do not guarantee make-ups or give refunds for missed classes. If you must miss a class, you may attend another in its place if one is available. You will be given a schedule that lists the different options open to
you on the 4th week of class. Please let us know as far in advance as possible so that we can make the appropriate teachers aware of the change. Special arrangements can be made for extended sickness or injury. Please understand that we are occasionally unable to provide visiting students with a keyboard because many classes are full.
A 30 days prior written notice is required if your child is dropping from our program. Simply informing the teacher does not constitute “notice”. Mail or fax your notice to the Academy in Springville to the attention of the “Program Manager.” Please help us to make our program better by telling us why you are dropping and how we can improve. Unpaid balances are charged at the rate of 1½ % per month (18% APR).
Whenever possible we will keep class times consistent from semester to semester. However, there are occasions when changes are unavoidable. If this happens to your class, we will do our best to accommodate you and will provide as many options as possible.
Students are expected to come to lessons well-prepared and with ALL of their necessary materials.
It is up to the parent to see that the pupil arrives ON TIME at each lesson.
No gum, candy, food or drinks are allowed in class except for treats given to students by the teacher. Please dispose of wrappers properly.
In order to minimize classroom interruptions, please have your students use the bathroom before class.
No gum, candy, food or drinks are allowed in class except for treats given to students by the teacher. Please dispose of wrappers properly.
PLEASE DO NOT BRING SIBLINGS OR FRIENDS TO CLASS WITHOUT PRIOR PERMISSION. This can be a distraction as well as making class size unmanageable.
Parents accompany students to class. This is a great opportunity to spend one on one time with your child.
Please do not talk with other adults during class time. This always hinders the student’s learning. Also, cell phones should be turned off, so that the ringing doesn’t interrupt class.
Only current students may purchase Academy materials.
Our curriculum is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
No part of ACMA materials may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
Hear From Students Who Have Had Incredible Success With Our Private Program
“From the beginning I was amazed at how much my children learned. The group program really prepared them for private lessons.”

“If we had spent months researching the best program around, it would have been the Academy. It just fell in our lap!”

“The Academy was perfect for our family. It’s a complete plan, a complete program.”